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Tänane kuupäev 21. Sept 2024 03:52

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Autor Sõnum
PostitusPostitatud: 12. Sept 2024 05:02 

Liitunud: 12. Sept 2024 04:15
Postitusi: 3
What Is FC IQ?
FC IQ is a sophisticated system that integrates AI with FC 25 Coins real-world football data (like Opta) to provide a more dynamic and authentic managerial experience in Career Mode. This new feature focuses on three main components:

Player Roles
Team Tactics
Smart Tactics
1. Player Roles
In previous versions of EA’s football games, players were often defined by their positions and overall ratings, with little differentiation between individuals in the same position. FC IQ changes this by introducing distinct player roles, tailored by a proprietary AI model that uses real-world data.

Unique Player Traits: Each player now has unique traits and behaviors on the field that are specific to their assigned role. For example, two strikers (ST) may have completely different playstyles—one might be a quick poacher who excels with through-balls, while the other might be a target man who thrives in aerial duels.

Impact on Squad Management: This level of specialization requires you to consider each player’s role within your overall tactical plan. It encourages deeper squad management, as you'll need to align player roles with your chosen tactics to maximize team performance.

Strategic Transfers: The transfer market strategy will also change, as acquiring a player with the right role could be the key to cheap FC 25 Coins unlocking your team’s success.

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